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Alni Body Care Blog

Paddleboarding? Golf? Beach? Use Alni Body Care Lemongrass & Basil Natural Bug Spray

Paddleboarding? Golf? Beach?  Use Alni Body Care Lemongrass & Basil Natural Bug Spray
Paddleboarding? Golf? Beach?  Use Alni Body Care Lemongrass & Basil Natural Bug Spray There is still plenty of time to enjoy outdoor activities...

My Non-Diet "Endo-Diet": Plant-Based Dairy

My Non-Diet "Endo-Diet": Plant-Based Dairy
Since endometriosis causes chronic inflammation (among other things), sometimes it helps for people with Endometriosis to switch to dairy-free options.  Some people choose to be completely dairy/gluten/sugar/caffeine/everything-free and/or vegan, but that lifestyle doesn’t work for everyone and it certainly wouldn’t work for me!  For anyone looking to do a few simple steps that will help, just switching to plant-based dairy products is pretty helpful! Click to read more of my non-diet Endo Diet tips!