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Alni Body Care Blog

Add our Unflavored CBD Oil to any meal or beverage!

Add our Unflavored CBD Oil to any meal or beverage!
Have you tried Alni Body Care Unflavored Vegan CBD Tincture?! You can consume it straight from the dropper, use sublingually (under the tongue), or add to your favorite drink, like a coffee or smoothie, or your favorite meal, like a salad dressing or in a sauce! I like to take it straight or add to my coffee in the morning ☕️! Our droppers have graduated mL markings to make measuring doses easy!  I’ve been personally using my CBD tincture for a while now and my mood is immensely better! 

My Non-Diet "Endo-Diet": Plant-Based Dairy

My Non-Diet "Endo-Diet": Plant-Based Dairy
Since endometriosis causes chronic inflammation (among other things), sometimes it helps for people with Endometriosis to switch to dairy-free options.  Some people choose to be completely dairy/gluten/sugar/caffeine/everything-free and/or vegan, but that lifestyle doesn’t work for everyone and it certainly wouldn’t work for me!  For anyone looking to do a few simple steps that will help, just switching to plant-based dairy products is pretty helpful! Click to read more of my non-diet Endo Diet tips!